You can, however, use this area as a temporary reprieve from bosses if you wait until the triple-chainsaw battle toward the end, you can lure the three big bads into the watchtower, toss the Heavy Grenade from the chest at the top onto them from above. You can hide up there and shoot Ganados as they climb the ladder, but this process is slow and will be sure to run out the clock. Unlike in the main story, the top of the watchtower will actually hold your character's weight. They're not perfect, since you'll have to keep watching your back, but they're great for getting a few shots in on bosses like Doctor Salvador before they are close enough to be a threat.

The rooftops to either side of the two-story house are the best sniping positions. In the yard to the left of the Town Hall.In the back room of the second house on the right (near the Hand Grenade listed above).The rooftop adjacent to the two-story house (accessible through the second-floor window or a ladder in the rear).The first floor of the two-story house.On the ledge overlooking the start point (go through the barn and take a right to reach it).Next to the wagon behind the barn (where you got the Red Herb in the main story).This is the building that you needed Ashley's help to enter in the main story. Inside the first building on the left (dead-end).Inside the first building on the right (open-ended barn).On the path immediately to the left of the starting position.If things are looking grim, check one of these spots if you haven't yet been there!

Their positions are randomized at the beginning of each match, but they're chosen from a limited pool. Bonus Orbs grant you additional time or fill your Mayhem Meter.